Author: aiims

Professional Approach for Drain Unblocking

When DIY methods for clearing clogged drains prove ineffective, it becomes necessary to seek the expertise of professional blocked drain plumbers. These experts are equipped with specialised tools and techniques for even the most stubborn blockages:

  • CCTV Drain Inspection Cameras: Plumbers utilise CCTV cameras for a detailed inspection of the drain system. These cameras provide a clear view of the interior of the pipes, helping to precisely identify the location and nature of the blockage. This method is non-invasive and highly effective in diagnosing underlying issues.
  • High-Pressure Water Jetting: This technique involves using high-pressure water streams to break apart blockages. It’s highly effective for clearing out grease, sediment build-up, and other stubborn obstructions. This method is efficient in clearing the blockage and cleaning the interior walls of the pipes.

The advanced methods, combined with expertise, ensure that the root cause of the blockage is addressed, offering a more permanent solution compared to DIY methods.

Effective Tips for Drain Maintenance

Maintaining a clear and functional drainage system is essential for household convenience. By implementing the following preventive measures, you can significantly reduce the likelihood of drain blockages and avoid the need for intensive cleaning or professional intervention.

  • Grease and Oil Disposal: One of the most critical preventive measures is to avoid pouring grease and oil down your drains. These substances solidify inside the pipes, leading to significant blockages. Instead, they need to be disposed of in the trash after allowing them to cool and solidify.
  • Use of Drain Strainers: Drain strainers are effective in catching debris, hair, and other materials that could clog your pipes. Regularly cleaning these strainers ensures that unwanted materials don’t enter your drainage system.
  • Toilet Usage Guidelines: It’s crucial to flush only toilet paper down the toilet. Items like wet wipes, feminine hygiene products, and cotton swabs can cause severe blockages and should be disposed of in the trash.
  • Regular Drain Cleaning: Incorporate a routine of cleaning your drains with natural substances like baking soda and vinegar. This practice helps in preventing build-up and maintains a clean and odour-free drainage system.

Prevention is key in maintaining a functional drainage system, thus avoiding the inconveniences and potential health risks of blocked drains.

Wrap-Up on Clearing Blocked Drains

Clearing a blocked drain can be a simple task if you follow the right steps. However, if you are unsure about how to clear a blocked drain, or if the blockage is more severe, it is always best to call a professional plumber. At 247 Local Plumber, our team of skilled professionals is equipped to provide you with the highest standard of blocked drain service. You can call us on 03 9070 9976 to quickly and efficiently resolve your blocked drain issue.

Remember, preventing blocked drains is always better than having to clear them, so take care to follow the tips above to prevent future blockages.

How To Unblock A Shower Drain (Step-by-step Guide)

Encountering a blocked shower drain can be a frustrating experience, but fear not! With a few simple techniques and household tools, you can easily learn how to clear a shower drain. The process isn’t just about solving an immediate problem; it’s about understanding the dynamics of your plumbing system. Let’s dive into some effective methods to tackle this common household issue.

Identifying the Blockage

The first step in resolving a clogged shower drain is to identify what’s causing the blockage. Often, it’s an accumulation of hair and soap scum. Start by removing the drain cover – this might require a screwdriver. You may also need a lubricant like WD-40, PTFE or a silicone lubricant to help loosen it, if it’s an older drain. Once removed, inspect the drain with a flashlight. If you can see the clog, it’s time to move on to the removal process.

Manual Removal

For visible clogs, a simple tool like a wire coat hanger can work wonders. Straighten out the hanger and create a small hook at one end. Gently insert this into the drain and try to fish out the blockage. Be careful not to push the clog further down. Once you’ve removed as much as possible, run hot water to clear any remaining debris.

Plunging the Drain

Sometimes, a plunger can effectively dislodge a clog. Cover the drain with the plunger and ensure a good seal. Fill the shower basin with a small amount of water, and then vigorously plunge up and down. This action can help to break up the blockage and clear the drain.

Chemical-Free Solutions

For a more natural approach, consider using baking soda and vinegar – a classic combination for many household cleaning tasks. Pour a cup of baking soda followed by a cup of white vinegar down the drain. Let it sit for about 15 minutes, then flush with boiling water. This method is not only effective but also avoids the use of harsh chemicals.

Plumbing Snake

For more stubborn clogs, a plumbing snake or a drain auger can be very effective. Insert the snake into the drain and turn it to catch and pull out the blockage. Be cautious and patient with this method to avoid damaging your pipes.


Troubleshooting Common Shower Drain Issues

Even after applying the techniques outlined above, you might encounter persistent issues with your shower drain. Let’s delve into troubleshooting three common problems: water still backing up, persistent odours, and recurring blockages.

1. Water Still Backing Up

If water continues to back up in your shower after attempting to clear the drain, it’s possible the blockage is further down the pipe than initially suspected. In such cases, a more extensive approach may be needed.

  • Use a Longer Plumbing Snake: A longer plumbing snake can reach deeper into the plumbing system to dislodge clogs that are further down the pipe.
  • Check for Vent Blockages: Sometimes, the issue isn’t just in the drain itself but in the vent pipes. These vents can become blocked, leading to poor drainage. These pipes start at the roof. You may need to get these inspected and cleared to get to the end of this drainage issue. 
  • Consult a Professional: If the problem persists, it may be time to call a professional plumber. They have specialised tools like high-pressure water jets, motorised snakes, and cameras to inspect and resolve deep clogs.

2. The Drain Still Smells

A foul odour emanating from your shower drain, even after cleaning, can be quite unpleasant. This is often due to bacteria and decomposing organic matter in the pipes.

    • Deep Cleaning: To combat this, consider a deeper cleaning method. Mix half a cup of baking soda with a quarter cup of table salt and pour it down the drain. Follow this with a cup of heated vinegar. Let it fizz for fifteen minutes, and then rinse with boiling water.
    • Enzyme Cleaners: Enzyme-based drain cleaners are effective in breaking down organic matter without damaging pipes. They can also eliminate odours caused by bacteria.
  • Check for Larger Issues: Persistent smells can sometimes indicate a more serious problem, like a broken pipe or an issue with the sewer line. If the odour doesn’t go away, it’s advisable to consult a plumber.

3. Frequently Recurring Blockages

If blockages in your shower drain are a recurring issue, it’s essential to identify and address the underlying cause.

  • Hair Catchers: A common cause of blockages is hair. Installing a hair catcher over the drain can significantly reduce the amount of hair and debris entering the pipes.
  • Regular Maintenance: Regularly cleaning your drain can prevent the build-up of soap scum and hair. A monthly routine of flushing the drain with hot water or a baking soda and vinegar mix can keep it clear.
  • Inspect for Pipe Damage: Sometimes, frequent clogs can be due to damaged or corroded pipes, or even tree root intrusions in older homes. A plumber can inspect your pipes to identify and rectify such issues.

Prevention is Key

Preventing future clogs is just as important as knowing how to unblock a shower drain. Regularly clean your drain cover and consider using a hair catcher to minimise the amount of debris entering the drain. Also, occasionally flushing the drain with hot water can help prevent build-up.

When to Call a Professional

If you’ve tried these methods and the drain is still clogged, it might be time to call a professional plumber. Persistent clogs could indicate a deeper issue within your plumbing system that requires expert attention.


Let’s Be Real About Unclogging That Shower Drain

Let’s face it, unclogging a shower drain isn’t exactly anyone’s idea of a fun time. Getting down and dirty with a clogged drain, pulling out clumps of hair and who-knows-what-else, is enough to make most people say, “Nope!”

So, if you’ve read these tips and decided it’s not your cup of tea, there’s no shame here either. We get it – not everyone wants to play detective with their plumbing or reach in for a fist full of hair, grease and soap scum. Our team jumps in with all the right tools and a can-do attitude, tackling the gunk so you don’t have to. And hey, we make sure it’s done right – the first time, and without breaking the bank.

With these tips, we hope you’ve got some ideas on how to break up minor blockages and prevent bigger ones from developing in future. But when you need help with your shower drain, you know who to call. Our plumbing professionals in Melbourne are always ready to dive into the messy stuff, so you can keep your hands clean and your showers clog-free!

How To Unblock A Sink (Step-by-step Guide)

How to Unblock a Sink

Dealing with a blocked sink in Melbourne is a common problem, but you can often fix it yourself. This blog will show you how to clear a blocked sink and keep your kitchen sink working well.


Easy Ways to Unblock a Sink

Let’s explore some do-it-yourself methods:

  1. Boiling Water: This is good for small blockages from soap or bits of food. Hot water can break these down easily.
  2. Baking Soda and Vinegar: For tougher clogs, mixing baking soda with vinegar can work. They react together to help remove the blockage.
  3. Salt and Baking Soda: This mix is good for greasy clogs. It’s slightly rough and can help break down the grease.
  4. Plunger: Plungers can clear many clogs. Make sure it seals well over the drain and plunge with steady force to remove the blockage.
  5. Plumber’s Snake: For clogs located further down the pipe or that are particularly stubborn, a plumber’s snake (or drain auger) is the tool of choice. It allows for direct physical interaction with the blockage, so you can either break it apart or push it down the pipe for fast removal. This method requires a bit more technique but can be highly effective for clogs that other methods can’t reach or resolve.

Each of these DIY methods offers a practical approach to unblock sinks in Melbourne. However, for the best chance of success, it’s important the solution you choose is appropriate for the type of sink clog you’re dealing with.

When to Use Caustic Cleaners

Knowing when to use caustic cleaners can be crucial in tackling certain types of sink blockages. Caustic cleaners, which often contain chemicals like sodium hydroxide, can be effective in dissolving tough clogs. However, they should be used carefully and sparingly. Here’s what you need to know:

  1. For Organic Material Clogs: Caustic cleaners are best used for clogs caused by organic materials like food scraps, hair, and grease. These cleaners break down organic matter efficiently.
  1. After Other Methods Fail: Try simpler methods like boiling water, plunging, or baking soda and vinegar first. If these don’t work, a caustic cleaner might be necessary.
  1. In Moderation: Frequent use of caustic cleaners can damage your pipes over time, especially if they are older or made of certain materials like PVC. Use them as a last resort and not as a regular cleaning solution.

Safety Tips When Using a Caustic Cleaner

If you use chemical cleaners, be safe:

  • Wear Protective Gear: Always use gloves and goggles to protect your skin and eyes from splashes.
  • Ventilate the Area: The fumes released by chemical cleaners can be hazardous to your health, particularly the respiratory system. Open windows or use fans to keep air fresh. Opening windows, activating exhaust fans, or using portable fans can help reduce their concentration in the air and minimise inhalation risks.
  • Read Instructions Carefully: Each chemical cleaner comes with specific instructions regarding its use, dosage, and safety precautions. It’s important to read and follow these directions carefully. Adherence to the guidelines can help avoid misuse that might lead to plumbing damage or personal injury.
  • Avoid Mixing Chemicals: Mixing different chemical cleaners is highly discouraged due to the risk of unpredictable and potentially dangerous chemical reactions. Such reactions can lead to the release of toxic gases, explosions, or the creation of harmful compounds. To prevent these risks, use one product at a time and flush your plumbing system before trying another product.

If you’re unsure or uncomfortable using caustic cleaners, or if the blockage persists after using them, it’s wise to contact a professional plumber. They can fix complex problems safely and efficiently, without damaging your plumbing.

Tips to Avoid Sink Blockages

The best cure for sink blockages is prevention.

Follow these tips to keep your sink clear:

  • Clean the Stopper and P-Trap: Regularly cleaning these can prevent clogs.
  • Flush with Hot Water: Doing this weekly can stop grease and soap from building up.
  • Be Careful What Goes Down: Avoid putting oils, fats, and certain other items down the drain.

An annual check by a plumber can also help catch any issues early. So you can nip any problems in the bud before they escalate.

247 Local Plumber: Your Melbourne Sink Solution

Regular care can help avoid sink blockages. But if DIY methods don’t work, our team at 247 Local Plumber in Melbourne is here to help. We specialise in clearing kitchen sinks.

Contact us at 03 9070 9976 or online for quick, reliable service. We’re ready to keep your plumbing in top shape.

How Does Off Peak Hot Water Work?

Hot water is an essential part of our daily lives, whether it’s for taking a shower, washing dishes, or doing laundry. However, heating water can consume a lot of energy and contribute to high electricity bills. One solution to this problem is off-peak hot water, which can help reduce energy consumption and save money.

What is off-peak hot water?

Off-peak hot water is a system where water is heated during off-peak hours when electricity is cheaper. These hours are usually at night or during weekends when there is less demand for electricity. The hot water is then stored in a well-insulated tank, which keeps the water hot until it is needed.

How does off-peak hot water work?

Off-peak hot water systems use a special meter that measures the amount of electricity used during off-peak hours. This meter is separate from the regular electricity meter and is installed by the electricity provider. The off-peak meter is programmed to measure electricity usage during off-peak hours, which is usually from 11 pm to 7 am.

When electricity is cheaper during off-peak hours, the off-peak hot water system automatically heats the water in the tank. The system is usually controlled by a timer that turns on and off the heating element according to the off-peak hours set by the electricity provider. The timer ensures that the hot water is heated only during off-peak hours and avoids using electricity during peak hours when electricity is more expensive.

Benefits of off-peak hot water

  • Reduced energy bills

One of the significant benefits of off-peak hot water is that it can significantly reduce energy bills. Heating water can consume a lot of energy, especially during peak hours when electricity prices are higher. By heating water during off-peak hours when electricity is cheaper, off-peak hot water systems can help save money on energy bills.

  • Consistent hot water supply

Off-peak hot water systems store hot water in a well-insulated tank, which ensures a consistent supply of hot water. Hot water is available throughout the day, even during peak hours when electricity is more expensive.

  • Environmentally friendly

Off-peak hot water systems are also environmentally friendly. By reducing energy consumption, they help reduce carbon emissions and promote sustainable living. Off-peak hot water systems are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint and contribute to a cleaner environment.

  • No need for solar panels

Off-peak hot water systems are an alternative to solar panels for heating water. Solar panels are a popular choice for homeowners who want to reduce their energy bills and promote sustainable living. However, not everyone can afford to install solar panels. Off-peak hot water systems are a more affordable alternative that can still help reduce energy consumption and save money.

  • Low maintenance

Off-peak hot water systems require very little maintenance. The heating element in the tank is the only component that needs to be checked regularly. However, this is a simple task that can be done by the homeowner or a professional.

  • Safe and reliable

Off-peak hot water systems are safe and reliable. The heating element is well insulated, which reduces the risk of electric shock. The tank is also well insulated, which prevents heat loss and ensures a consistent supply of hot water.

  • Versatile

Off-peak hot water systems are versatile and can be used in a variety of homes, including apartments, townhouses, and single-family homes. They are also compatible with a range of hot water systems, including electric and gas systems.

The Cons of Off-Peak Hot Water: What You Need to Know

  1. Limited hot water supply

Off-peak hot water systems store hot water in a tank, which can have a limited capacity. If the demand for hot water exceeds the capacity of the tank, the hot water supply can run out, leaving you without hot water until the tank is refilled. This can be a problem for larger families or homes with high hot water usage.

  1. Upfront costs

Off-peak hot water systems can require a significant upfront investment. While they can save money in the long run, the initial cost of installing an off-peak hot water system can be a barrier for some homeowners.

  1. Limited control over hot water supply

Off-peak hot water systems are controlled by a timer, which means you have limited control over when hot water is available. If you need hot water during peak hours, you may have to wait until the off-peak hours to get hot water, which can be inconvenient.

  1. Incompatible with some appliances

Off-peak hot water systems may not be compatible with some appliances, such as instant hot water dispensers or tankless water heaters. These appliances require a continuous supply of hot water, which off-peak hot water systems may not be able to provide.

  1. Dependence on the electricity provider

Off-peak hot water systems are dependent on the electricity provider’s off-peak hours. If the off-peak hour’s change or the electricity provider decides to discontinue the off-peak program, the off-peak hot water system may no longer be cost-effective.

  1. Maintenance and repairs

Off-peak hot water systems require maintenance and repairs, just like any other appliance. The heating element in the tank may need to be replaced periodically, and other components may need to be repaired or replaced over time.

  1. Heat loss

Off-peak hot water systems store hot water in a tank, which can result in heat loss. If the tank is not well-insulated, the hot water can lose heat, which can reduce the efficiency of the system.

Important Factors to Consider When Using Off-Peak Hot Water

Before deciding to use an off-peak hot water system, there are several considerations to keep in mind. In this section, we will discuss some of the key factors to consider before using off-peak hot water.

  • Hot water usage

One of the most important considerations when deciding whether to use off-peak hot water is your hot water usage. Off-peak hot water systems work best for households with low to moderate hot water usage, as the hot water supply may not be sufficient for homes with high hot water demand.

  • Available off-peak hours

Off-peak hot water systems rely on off-peak electricity rates to heat the water. It’s important to check with your electricity provider to determine the off-peak hours in your area. Make sure that the off-peak hours align with your hot water usage, as you may not have hot water available during peak hours.

  • Upfront costs

Off-peak hot water systems can require a significant upfront investment, which may not be feasible for all homeowners. Before deciding to install an off-peak hot water system, make sure to consider the upfront costs and weigh them against the potential long-term savings.

  • Compatibility with appliances

Off-peak hot water systems may not be compatible with all appliances. For example, tankless water heaters and instant hot water dispensers require a continuous supply of hot water, which may not be provided by an off-peak hot water system. Make sure to check with the manufacturer of your appliances to determine their compatibility with off-peak hot water systems.

  • Tank size

Off-peak hot water systems store hot water in a tank, which can have a limited capacity. Make sure to choose a tank size that is appropriate for your household’s hot water usage. A tank that is too small can result in hot water shortages, while a tank that is too large can result in unnecessary energy usage.

  • Energy efficiency

Off-peak hot water systems can be more energy-efficient than conventional hot water systems, but the energy efficiency can vary depending on the system’s design and the quality of installation. Make sure to choose a system that is designed for maximum energy efficiency and installed by a qualified professional.

  • Maintenance and repairs

Off-peak hot water systems require regular maintenance and repairs, just like any other appliance. Make sure to budget for the costs of maintenance and repairs over the lifetime of the system.

  • Durability

Off-peak hot water systems typically have a lifespan of 10-15 years, which is comparable to other hot water systems. However, the lifespan of the system can be affected by factors such as water quality and maintenance. Make sure to choose a system that is designed for durability and installed by a qualified professional to ensure the longest possible lifespan.

  • Heat pumps

Off-peak hot water systems can be designed with heat pumps, which can provide additional energy savings by using ambient air to heat the water. Heat pumps can be more expensive upfront than conventional off-peak hot water systems, but they can provide significant energy savings over the lifespan of the system.

  • Technology

Off-peak hot water systems can use a variety of technologies to heat the water, including electric resistance heating, heat pumps, and solar heating. Make sure to choose a system that is designed with the most energy-efficient technology for your household’s needs.

  • Pipes and leaks

The quality of pipes and the potential for leaks are important considerations when using an off-peak hot water system. Old or corroded pipes can lead to leaks and reduce the efficiency of the system. Make sure to check the quality of your pipes and replace any that are old or corroded. It’s also important to have a maintenance plan in place to detect and repair leaks as soon as possible.


Off-peak hot water systems have many benefits, but they also have some potential drawbacks. Before deciding to install an off-peak hot water system, it’s important to consider your hot water usage, upfront costs, and the compatibility of your appliances. While off-peak hot water systems can save money on energy bills, they may not be the best solution for everyone. It’s important to weigh the pros and cons before making a decision.

How To Install Freestanding Dishwasher

A freestanding dishwasher is a convenient appliance to have in any modern kitchen. It saves you time and effort by automatically cleaning your dishes. Installing a freestanding dishwasher is relatively easy and requires a few basic tools. In this article, we will guide you through the step-by-step process of installing a freestanding dishwasher in your kitchen.


Before we begin, make sure you have the following tools and equipment:

  • Phillips head screwdriver
  • Adjustable wrench
  • Pliers
  • Measuring tape
  • Dishwasher installation kit
  • Electrical wire stripper

Step 1: Prepare the Space

The first step is to prepare the space where you want to install the dishwasher. Make sure that there is enough space to accommodate the dishwasher and that the flooring is level. Also, ensure that you have the necessary connections, such as a water supply and a drain.

Step 2: Measure and Cut the Supply Lines

Before you install the dishwasher, you need to measure and cut the supply lines for the water supply. You will need to connect the dishwasher to a hot water supply, so make sure that the water supply valve is turned off before you start.

Using a measuring tape, measure the distance between the hot water supply valve and the inlet valve on the dishwasher. Then, cut the copper supply line to the appropriate length using a pipe cutter. Make sure to remove any burrs or rough edges from the cut.

Step 3: Install the Water Supply Line

Next, you will need to install the water supply line. Attach the copper supply line to the hot water supply valve using a compression fitting. Tighten the compression fitting with an adjustable wrench. Then, attach the other end of the supply line to the inlet valve on the dishwasher. Tighten the nut with pliers, making sure not to over-tighten.

Step 4: Connect the Drain Hose

Once the water supply line is connected, it’s time to connect the drain hose. The drain hose is typically located at the back of the dishwasher. Connect the hose to the dishwasher by sliding the hose clamp over the end of the hose and pushing it onto the dishwasher’s drain outlet. Tighten the hose clamp with pliers.

Step 5: Level the Dishwasher

Before you can install the dishwasher, you need to level it. Use a level to ensure that the dishwasher is level in both directions. Adjust the dishwasher’s feet as necessary to level it.

Step 6: Connect the Electrical Wiring

The next step is to connect the electrical wiring. Before you begin, make sure that the dishwasher is turned off and that the electrical circuit is also turned off. Remove the cover plate on the bottom of the dishwasher to access the wiring.

Strip the electrical wires and connect the wires from the dishwasher to the wires from the electrical circuit using wire nuts. Make sure to connect the black wire to the black wire, the white wire to the white wire, and the green or bare wire to the ground wire.

Step 7: Slide the Dishwasher Into Place

Once the water supply line, drain hose, and electrical wiring are connected, slide the dishwasher into place. Make sure that the dishwasher is flush with the countertop and cabinets.

Step 8: Secure the Dishwasher

After you have slid the dishwasher into place, secure it to the countertop using screws. Use a Phillips head screwdriver to screw the mounting brackets to the underside of the countertop.

Step 9: Turn On the Water and Electrical Circuit

Now that the dishwasher is installed and secured, it’s time to turn on the water supply and the electrical circuit. Turn on the hot water supply valve and check for any leaks. Then, turn on the electrical circuit and test the dishwasher.

Unsure about installing a freestanding dishwasher & how to go about it?

Don’t take the risk of doing it yourself and potentially damaging your machine or your kitchen. Instead, consider working with professional plumbers who specialise in dishwasher installation. They have the knowledge and experience to handle this task with ease, ensuring your dishwasher is installed correctly and efficiently. Not only that, but they can also assist with other plumbing needs, from heat pump installation to troubleshooting leaks. Don’t get stuck in a mess – contact the experts today!

How to Choose the Right Plumber for Your Suburb Kensington: Tips and Tricks

A plumber is an essential service provider that every household or business will require at some point. However, choosing the right and affordable plumber Kensington can be daunting, especially if you are unfamiliar with the plumbing industry.

At 247 Local Plumbers we have the expertise, skills, and experience to handle all types of big and small plumbing jobs to industry standards.

Tips And Tricks To Choose The Right Plumber

Here are some simple tips to help you choose the right plumber:

1. Cost

Cost is always an essential factor when selecting any service provider. Before hiring a plumber, you should request a written quote detailing the cost of the service. However, never make the cost the sole determining factor when selecting a plumber. Some plumbers may offer lower rates, but the quality of their work may be substandard, costing you more in the long run. Always look for an affordable plumber in Kensington with proven expertise and a solid reputation.

2. Reputation

A plumber’s reputation is critical when selecting a service provider. You should research the plumber’s reputation by reading reviews and testimonials from their previous clients. You can also ask for referrals from friends and family who have used plumbing services before. A reputable plumber should have positive reviews, a good track record, and excellent customer service.

3. Well Prepared

A well-prepared plumber will have all the necessary tools and equipment to handle any plumbing issue. When selecting a plumber, you should ensure they are adequately prepared and have the required tools and equipment to complete the job. A well-prepared plumber will save you time and money by completing the job efficiently and effectively.

4. Respect For Your Property

Plumbing work can be messy and disrupt your home or business. A good plumber should respect your property and ensure they leave the premises clean and tidy after completing the job. You should select a plumber who values your property and takes care to prevent any damage during the plumbing work.

5. Licensed And Insured

A licensed and insured plumber gives you peace of mind that you are working with a qualified professional. In Australia, all plumbers must hold a license to operate, ensuring they have the necessary training and expertise to handle any plumbing issue. Also, hiring an insured plumber protects you from liability in case of accidents or damage during the plumbing work.

6. Quality Guarantee

A reputable blocked drain Kensington plumber should offer a quality service guarantee. A quality guarantee ensures the plumber is confident in their work and will fix any issues after completing the job. Before hiring a plumber, ask if they offer a quality guarantee for their work.

7. Reviews And Recommendations

Before hiring a plumber, you should research their reviews and recommendations from their previous clients. You can find reviews and testimonials on the plumber’s website, social media pages, or other review sites. Positive reviews and recommendations of earlier clients indicate that the plumber provides quality services.

8. Reliability

Reliability is also essential when selecting an affordable plumber. A reliable plumber should arrive on time and complete the job within the agreed timeframe. Additionally, a reliable plumber should communicate effectively and provide updates on the job’s progress. You should select a plumber who values your time and is reliable.

Regardless of the type of plumbing services you need, 247 Local Plumbers is here to help. For more details about our blocked drain Melbourne and other solutions, please call us at 03 9070 9976 or simply book your service online through this form, and we will call back soon to confirm the details.

Types of Water Shutoff Valves

Water shutoff valves allow you to control the flow of water in your property by opening or closing the supply. This is an extremely useful function in many situations, including shutting down the water supply during a plumbing emergency to prevent further damage. Aside from a main shut off valve, larger properties can have multiple valves so that water supply can be isolated and shut off in only select parts of the building.

If your property doesn’t already have a good water stop valve, or you’d like to install additional ones, call 247 Local Plumber in Melbourne! Our professional team has plenty of experience and expertise in the installation and maintenance of water shutoff valves, as well as the rest of your plumbing system. Let 247 Local Plumber handle it all!

Types of water shutoff valves

While their main function is the same, there are several kinds of water stop valves that you will commonly find, each with their own quirks. No matter which kind of valve you prefer, 247 Local Plumber can get it installed quickly without much disruption to your daily life.

Ball valve

Ball valves are simple devices that are most often used for main water pipes. Their simple design makes them very durable, and great for switching water supply on and off quickly, as the lever only needs to be turned slightly.

Gate valve

Gate valves function by opening and closing a gate inside the body of the valve, usually operated by turning a handle one way or the other. These are also used for main water pipes usually, and very durable as well.

Globe valve

Globe valves allow for more dynamic control over water supply, as the valve can be partially shut or gradually opened to limit water flow. These are most often used for outdoor water spigots.

Fixture shutoff valves

Coming in straight and angled types, fixture shutoff valves are used for individual appliances or fixtures, such as toilets, sinks, washing machines etc. Whether you need a straight or angled one depends on where the pipe comes out from (the wall or floor).

Stop-and-waste valves

These valves are more niche in application, with their most common use being for sprinkler systems. Unlike other valves, it has two openings, one to switch water supply on or off, and another to drain waste water.

Water Shutoff Valve Installation Process

Water stop valves are relatively easy to install, but getting a professional plumber to handle things is always the best option to make sure everything is installed properly.

  1. Turn off the water supply
    Before beginning any work, turn off the main water supply to your home to prevent any leaks or flooding.
  2. Measure and cut the pipes
    Use a pipe cutter to cut the existing water supply pipe where you want to install the shutoff valve. Make sure to measure carefully to ensure that the valve will fit properly.
  3. Prepare the pipes
    Use a deburring tool to remove any burrs or rough edges from the cut pipes. Then, clean the pipes with a rag to remove any debris or dirt.
  4. Install the valve
    Slip a compression nut onto each end of the cut pipe, followed by the ferrule. Then, slide the shutoff valve onto the pipe and tighten the compression nuts onto the valve using a wrench.
  5.  Test the valve
    Turn the valve off and on a few times to make sure it is functioning properly. If you notice any leaks or problems, tighten the compression nuts and check the connections again.

Water Shutoff Valve Melbourne FAQs

Can I install a water shutoff valve myself?

While it is possible to install a water shutoff valve yourself, it is recommended that you hire 247 Local Plumber to ensure that the valve is installed properly and that there are no leaks.

How do I choose the right water shutoff valve?

The type of water shutoff valve you need will depend on the size and type of pipe you are working with. It’s important to choose a valve that is compatible with your plumbing system and that is rated for the correct water pressure.

How often should I test my water shutoff valves?

It’s a good idea to test your water shutoff valves periodically to make sure they are functioning properly. At least once a year, turn the valve off and on a few times to make sure it is not stuck and that there are no leaks.

Hot Water Rebates

We are committed to providing our clients with excellent value at 247 Local Plumbers. In addition to providing outstanding services, we advise them on how to improve energy efficiency and get hot water rebates.

On average, about 21% of a typical home’s energy bill goes toward powering the hot water system. Installing an efficient hot water system, such as a heat pump/solar hot water system, is one approach to keep the expense of heating water at home under control. Households who switch to solar water heaters/heat pumps often see annual savings of between $140 and $400 due to reduced power use.

About Hot Water Rebates in Australia

Victorian homeowners who qualify for the Solar Homes Program may expect to save even more money. Solar Homes now offers a rebate for PV panels to new and current clients who use solar for hot water to further reduce costs.

Eligibility Criteria for Hot Water Rebates

There is a solar hot water rebate available to residents of Victoria for the purchase of a solar/heat pump system, provided the home meets the following criteria:

  • They live in a self-owned home, and their annual taxable income does not exceed $180,000. (based on the ATO Notice of Assessment)
  • Should not be previously qualified for a subsidy for solar batteries or solar hot water systems under the state’s Solar Homes Program
  • It’s an existing building with a market value of less than $3 million.
  • If the replacement hot water system is at least three years old from the date of purchase. In addition, the property owner may be eligible for a solar battery rebate /hot water rebate through
  • the Solar Homes Program if the property address did not previously qualify for a solar battery rebate.
  • There is a checkmark next to the solar /heat pump hot water system on the list of eligible items for the Solar Homes programme.
  • A household is only eligible to receive the Solar Homes incentive once. If a homeowner has once got the solar hot water rebate, they are ineligible for another one.

You may apply for an eligibility number after determining that your property fits the requirements.

Hot Water Rebate Process

Unless it’s an emergency, you should wait to install a solar hot water heater system/heat pump until you get approval from Solar Victoria. You will not be eligible for a refund on the solar hot water system if you install it before your rebate eligibility has been determined. These are the steps to follow:

  • Get a price estimate for installing solar thermal water heating or a heat pump. To get the Solar Homes incentive, you must notify your merchant that you plan to apply.
  • When you call or fill out the form on the Solar Victoria site, they will send you an eligibility bundle with the necessary forms to fill out. When you’re done, send everything back to Solar Victoria using the encrypted link given.
  • After reviewing your application, Solar Victoria will let you and your solar/ heat pump supplier know whether you’ve been accepted.
  • After receiving clearance from Solar Victoria, you may contact the supplier to schedule the system’s installation.

Note- Only officially approved products may be used in connection with this offer.

Energy-Efficient Heat Pump /Solar Water Heater Installations

For more information on hot water rebates and the best energy-efficient hot water systems, you may reach 247 Local Plumbers at 03 9070 9976 if you need system installations eligible for hot water rebates in Melbourne. Please use the Online Form to contact us, and we will respond as quickly as possible.

What’s Causing Noisy Water Pipes In My Old Home?

burst pipe


burst pipe

If you live in an older home, you might find yourself dealing with various plumbing issues, including noisy water pipe. This is not uncommon. However, we at General Plumbing Services know from experience that there are many reasons apart from an older structure and older plumbing that can cause water pipes to become noisy.

When your pipes make noises, it indicates there is something wrong with them. At least there are some signs that you need to look at them without delay. These kinds of issues are best dealt with by professional and licensed plumbers like the ones at our company.

We have extensive experience in dealing with all types of plumbing issues like burst pipes and more. Our skilled and licensed plumbing team will inspect the pipes, determine what is wrong before fixing the issue to your 100% satisfaction.

Why Pipes Make Noises

However, here is some information that will help you understand the different reasons for noisy water pipes even on older properties:

1. Loud Knocking While Running Water

If you can hear knocking or banging sounds whenever you turn on the tap, shower, etc., high water pressure could be causing the problem. When the water pressure is higher than it should be, it rushes much harder through the pipes. That sound you hear is when the water moves through at high speed and causes shaking in the pipes. As the pipes balance against the walls for adjacent pipes, they make the knocking or banging sound.

Apart from the noises that the pipes make, it is essential to realise that high water pressure can also cause leakages or burst pipes.  It can also damage any home appliances that use water, such as your washing machine, dishwasher, etc. Most modern-day homes have a pressure regulator installed. This device is mounted at the point where the main water supply enters the property. If your home does not have this regulator, consider hiring a professional to get one installed.

2. Rattling Pipes

When people hear rattling sounds from their pipes, they do not find it too disturbing; however, this could indicate a severe problem. When pipes rattle, it means they are not secured correctly. If the straps holding the pipes to the walls break, or if they are secured incorrectly, the pipes will rattle around whenever water flows through them. Even if this sound is not excessively loud, you must get the pipes secured to the walls with sturdy straps to ensure that the rattling stops, the situation does not worsen and result in burst pipes.

3. Random Loud Banging

Sometimes, it is normal for pipes to be a little noisy when water is flowing through them. But if you hear random loud banging coming from the pipes, that is called water hammer. The pipes have chambers or even water hammer arrestors that can help to prevent this noise.  If the water hammer arrestor or the chamber fails, it means that the water is flowing very fast and stopping suddenly when the tap is switched off. This kind of constant pressure in the pipe joints or at the valve can result in burst pipes.

4. Inadequate Cushioning

At times, pipes rumble very slightly. If you have checked the mounting traps and the water pressure and found no issues in those areas, consider adding some extra cushioning around your pipes. Insulation foam is an excellent way to ensure that your pipes do not rattle.

5. Copper Pipes

Copper pipes expand when hot water passes through them, and some of that heat is also transferred to the metal itself. In very tight spaces, copper lines that carry hot water can expand and rub against your home’s structural features such as support brackets, studs, and more, as they contract.  Reducing the temperature of the water is one way to stop this from happening.  While it is not necessary to replace copper pipes that are in good condition, you can consider installing some insulation around them to prevent the noise.

If you have noisy pipes on your property, call in a professional plumber before you find yourself dealing with burst pipes. For additional information on our burst pipes services, please call General Plumbing Services at 03 9070 9976. We are the experts that offer a range of plumbing solutions. If you need standard services, please use this Online Form to Book a Service.